A gray feather on the stem of the tree can trigger all kinds of stories. One story might be about a bird that got lost and ended up in a tree that was far from its home. The bird might have been tired and decided to rest on a branch, not realizing that it was too tired to fly any further. The bird might have fallen asleep and when it woke up, it was disoriented and didn't know how to get back home. The bird might have been looking for food and found a berry on the tree. The bird might have been chased by a predator and ended up in the tree to try to escape.
Another story might be about a person who was walking in the forest and found the gray feather. The person might have been looking for a specific type of bird and been excited to find the feather. The person might have been looking for pretty feathers to collect. The person might have been looking for a specific type of tree and been surprised to find the feather on it.
More stories to tell
Yet another story might be about the tree itself. The tree might have been very old and the gray feather might have been one of the first feathers to fall from it. The tree might have been struck by lightning and the gray feather might have been singed in the process. The tree might have been hit by a strong wind and the gray feather might have been blown off of it.

Any story can be interesting with the right context and imagination. Perhaps the feather belongs to a rare bird never seen, but nobody gave it enough importance to take it and study it. And the tree? It might be the last of its species, slowly dying in the middle of a forest that's no longer hospitable to it. They may also lack historical or scientific value, but perhaps for a person that tree in that pen has great sentimental value. It was the first tree their child ever climbed, or the tree where they had their first kiss.
Do not lose sight of details
Do not stop looking around you, maybe you are missing something important, life itself is a great example of the fleeting and the ephemeral, so pay attention to the details around you.